Why counseling ?
Life can present us with many different challenges. Sometimes things can be troubling, confusing or overwhelming. Counseling is a chance to talk about your concerns in confidence in a relaxed and non-judgmental atmosphere. You may find it easier to talk with a counsellor than friends or family, or may be isolated and have no-one available when you need to talk.
As a counselor, my aim is to help you to work out why you are feeling as you do, to break out of unhelpful patterns and find new ways of coping that lead to a more positive life. I use a range of different counseling approaches, depending on your needs.
I offer face to face counseling in Stuttgart, Germany. If you can’t get to counseling because of distance, work and family commitments or health issues, online counseling is an excellent alternative. We can connect in a meaningful and effective way through email, virtual meeting, instant messaging and phone. You may even prefer communicating online, finding the process of writing and having a copy of each exchange to reflect on particularly helpful. After all, writing as a therapeutic form of self-expression and way of connecting with others has been around for a long time.

I work with many different issues including:

Originally from Australia, I have worked in Australia, England and Germany, have family on three continents and understand first-hand the challenges of moving to a new country. I am very comfortable communicating with people whose first language is not English and from various cultures and backgrounds.
Anxiety & panic
Low self-esteem & confidence
Internet porn addiction
Fears & phobias
Problems making changes and dealing with new challenges, including relocation and cultural issues
Problems making decisions
Anger & frustration
Obsessive thoughts & behaviours
Grief & loss
Relationship problems, on a 1-1 basis
I work on a 1-1 basis with adults (over 18 years). If you are having difficulty finding a counselor for someone under 18 or if you are looking for a couples counselor please look at Stuttgart Counseling and Psychotherapy Network's website.
Experiencing a crisis?
If you need immediate help, especially if you are thinking of hurting yourself, contact the accident and emergency department of your closest hospital or your doctor. In Stuttgart, the after-hours number for psychiatric help is Psychiatrischer Notfalldienst (0711) 1 92 22 or just call the emergency number 112. Don’t wait.